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Amp suggestions
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1 post
Feb 02, 2009
12:18 PM
I need some suggestions for a good amp for a church orchestra. This is a full orchestra with horns, strings percussion and so on. The amp will go direct to the sound system so a very good direct out feature is important. Also, the amp will stay in the worship center so ease of use is important (i.e. I won't be able to spend hours tweaking sounds). The church is offering to buy this amp plus another for the rehearsal room so the price needs to be reasonable as well.

Thanks for any suggestions.
43 posts
Mar 06, 2009
4:55 AM
Try the Roland Cube series. Solid and robust, good basic sound, effects onboard, not so expensive you'll get paranoid about leaving it in Church. Doubt you'll need more than the Cube 30. But they do a ^0 with a 12" speaker as well.

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