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I've Come to a Realization...
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6 posts
Jul 15, 2008
4:28 PM
There is a time to study, but study can be a thing that stops you from making music and playing for whatever purpose God has in your life. I just recently realized this to be the case in my life. If you read this and this comes across as the most simpleton thing you've ever read, maybe I'm not doing a good job at clarifying myself. If you're further down the road than I am, maybe this makes sense. I don't know.
Jul 25, 2008
6:09 PM
Yes, study can keep us from making music, but it can also keep us from making our best music for the glory of God. I think it comes down to balance, a hard thing to achieve.
5 posts
Jan 12, 2010
11:39 AM
I agree, I've been a songwriter since 15 and find myself struggling over focusing on one or the other but I do want to keep improving as a guitarist so I have made the decision of at least putting in an hour a day of practice and then moving on to songwriiting and recording.

Ahhh...there's just not enough time in a day. If we could do music for a living...maybe.
81 posts
May 18, 2010
12:07 AM
You need to read or listen to "The Now Habit". I'm a bad procrastinator and this audio track helped me get organised on the more important rather than just busy stuff. I do do music for a living and working for yourself is great - but it's easy to get distracted. A friend who also works for himself says you have to check yourself, "Am I making money or spending it?" He says you are always doing one of those. Listen to "The Now Habit" it will get you organised and stop putting things off.

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