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9 posts
Jul 18, 2008
3:07 PM
Does anyone know of any software that will create nice looking horizontal fretboard diagrams for fingerings? Sibelius G7 will create chord grids as will Sebelius 5. I spoke with a rep from Sibelius asking why G7 didn't have that option or any updates in a long time, he simple stated that he didn't know.
9 posts
Jul 20, 2008
9:17 AM
I use this program called visio by microsoft. It's really meant for buisness to make charts and stuff like that but you can draw lines,circles and just about anything you can imagine. I drew up fretboard diagrams in it and I have colored in circles that I add for different scales. I do the same for chord diagrams. I think they have a trial version on line. I don't know how detailed the trial is though!
20 posts
Sep 10, 2008
9:22 AM
Al - do you just want the blank charts and TAB lines or do you actually want to do chord charts and diagrams. If you need to do chords and charts you'll have to use something like PowerPoint - but it's pretty clusy at creating what we'd want. I just use blanks and draw what I need with the best pen I found for the job - the Pilot Hi-tecpoint V10 Grip. It's a 1mm point gel pen that just works so well for writing music and charts. Never found anything better. (And they come in Red, Blue, Green and Black).

Last Edited by on Sep 10, 2008 9:23 AM
Eric E
17 posts
Sep 12, 2008
2:42 PM
Hi Al,
I use some of the tab and chord diagrams that I downloaded from Guitar COllege a few years ago (I don't know if they are still on the site), but they are word files, so I can actually write on them in Word. Also, I'm pretty sure a program called MusEdit has an option that does fretboards. I've used it for tab and notation, but I think that you can get it to create a fretboard and write on it on the computer.

21 posts
Sep 17, 2008
1:22 PM
If anyone wants email me at coach@chrisdowning.co.uk I'll send them a file with about 25 charts I use. Can't imagine there's anything else you'd need! I'll stick them on my website soon as well.
18 posts
Sep 25, 2008
8:58 PM
Thank you both very, very much. My email Chris is sigpec@gmail.com, if you wouldn't mind sending those, I would greatly appreciate it. I'll check out both of those resources Eric. Thanks again.
25 posts
Nov 25, 2008
12:10 PM
Sorry I didn't pick up on the need for me to respond to that eamil address - if anyone else would like all the templates please email me rather than leaving a message for me to see here. coach@chrisdowning.co.uk (I have just now sent off all those templates and responded)
7 posts
May 20, 2010
7:53 AM
Al, I use a really nice piece of software called Chord Alchemy that is now in it's 4th version. It allows you create any chord type in any inversion and even lets you select what colors you may want to use for individual tones. You can then export or save them to any type docuement you have in mind. Check it out here:

98 posts
Jan 02, 2011
9:03 AM
I've been using the chart and neck creating software called Neck Diagrams since September. Cost just £30, that's about $45 and I saved that much in the first two days. It make creating scale diagrams and chord diagrams just so easy. The programme also works out where all the dots should go for a given scale that you choose (all of the ones you need seem to be there) and it also does the same for laying out a chord diagram or and arpeggio one. There's evebn a free deom trial period so give it a try and see what you think. If you are a teacher getting a copy is a no brainer as you'll stop having to write out all those charts by hand. It will pay for it's self once you've saved two hours work - which in my case was 48 hours! (BTW - No I don't get a kick back - No - I don't know the guys who put it together either - I just came across it on a stand at a conference in London - tried it bought it.) http://www.neckdiagrams.com/

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