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Rich's DVD and Audio Files to iPod. Help!
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2 posts
Aug 16, 2008
3:18 PM
Hi, Does anyone know how to sync Rich's DVD and audio files to an iPod? I'm having a terrible time. I can't even rip the DVD into my library using Windows Media Player, and how to get the DVD and mp3's from the CD's to an iPod seems impossible. Has anyone had any luck with this?

Last Edited by on Aug 16, 2008 3:19 PM
16 posts
Aug 19, 2008
1:43 AM
Hi Kats, yes it's actually quite easy. I'm not sure what you mean by "audio files", do you mean the Guitar College CD's from all of the books?

If that is what you mean, you have to use iTunes to add any mp3.files onto your iPod. You cannot use Windows Media Player. I'm a Mac user, but most (not all) of the PC users that I know will designate iTunes as their primary media player if they own an iPod. You can choose to open a CD with iTunes in the Windows operating system, then simply import the tracks onto your hard drive through the iTunes application. The tracks will not be labled there will be no "album art" that will appear, you will have to manually add both. I recommend going into iTunes preferences and setting "mp3" as the default file type, iTunes does not play ".wma" files (Windows Media File).

Now on to the DVD, neither Windows Media Player or iTunes will rip DVD's. It merely plays them if you have designated your computer to do so. The easiest program that I have found for ripping DVD's is a program called "Handbrake" which is free. Type "Handbrake" in your browser's search engine and it will usually be the first hit.

Success with Handbrake will depend on a number of things, if your computer is newer, then you should have no problem. I have a strict policy of backing up only what I have paid for and not sharing files with people. But I have all my media on my 160G iPod, it makes carrying guitar education so much easier.

Last Edited by on Aug 21, 2008 8:41 AM
Aug 19, 2008
7:43 AM
Thanks so much Al. That is very helpful.
34 posts
Jan 17, 2009
9:12 AM
Well here we go again on that copyright issue. All Rich's CDs can be copied to an iPod or any MP3 player just by following the iPod/MP3 player instructions - you don't want to be going 'through' Windows Media Player to achieve this. However you need to be aware that if you then go on to distribute MP3s to students or copy DVDs you are effectively reducing the income of the creator of that material. As a musician ourselves, we should be very careful that we demonstrate a responsible and ethical attitude to resisting copying. I'm not saying I'd never do it - but I think I'm ethical and circumspect in trying not to reduce a fellow musicians income. I'm no saint - but I'm certainly not becoming a pirate either
27 posts
Jan 23, 2009
1:24 PM

I agree with you 100%. I want to be clear that I made digital copies for my own iPod. Because of the convenience, I have personally gone through all of Rich's courses with more efficency at home and on the road.

Distributing these tracks (or any artists tracks) in any way, shape or form is a copyright violation. To put this on a personal level, I see this violation as personally going into Rich's home and stealing, it is really no different.

I know that this isn't a popular topic among music fans in this era of download, but I am disturbed at people's indifferent attitude and how they don't see anything wrong with stealing music and depriving artists of their hard earned profits. I've read people justify their actions by reasoning that the artist doesn't get most of the money anyway from record sales or that an artist makes more in merchandise sales. That is poor logic and it still amounts to theft. It's like saying, I can steal from my neighbor because the company he or she works for makes a lot of money anyway and beside, he or she has other means of making money.

People are actually angry at the RIAA for the hefty penalties of copyright violations, calling into question the severity of violations.

I guess the solution is really quite simple, if you can't pay for it, and it wasn't given to you, then you shouldn't have it.
36 posts
Mar 06, 2009
4:14 AM
Al, I completely agree

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