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1 post
Dec 22, 2008
5:34 PM

Merry Christmas! My name is Joshua and I am from Malaysia. I wanted to introduce myself to this group since I just purchase Rich's Serious student course.

I am 42, with one wife, 3 boys and 10 guitars. I have a massive G.A.S. problem, so I am not sure if it will ever end. After looking at the Hofner's here and some new Gibson's, I am feeling itchy again!

I run several small diverse businesses and want to get back to my first love. I am an half-"indecent" fingerstyle player, just trying to play a little better day by day.

Music is eternal, hence I will be using all that I learn for my church music ministry. I am currently more than halfway through my Arranging Masters at BerkleeOnline and will graduate end of next year. I wanted to continue on with Jazz Guitar studies there until I came upon this site. So you guys just saved me a bundle of cash!

Man, sorry for the long intro, I look forward to meeting each of you virtually!

Happy Holidays and God Bless!

Eric E
19 posts
Dec 23, 2008
6:02 PM
Welcome Joshua. Merry Christmas to you too. Keep up with your playing.

--Eric E

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