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Small or Short Left Finger
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1 post
Apr 20, 2009
11:57 AM
Hi Anyone,
Every time I play the guitar and when it time to press the
third or fourth FRET it hurt's a lot cause i have short finger, and I
have to stop and hangs the guitar. This is the time frustrations set in,
and question like if only i have a longer left finger I "Might" be able
to continue playing or !!!. Can I still play? if i use your method??
Hope this is the only question I ever ask.
Hopefully, Robert
Eric E
36 posts
Apr 20, 2009
7:29 PM
Hi Robert, I think with a little work, you should be able to compensate for short fingers just by getting used to playing. I have a friend who is missing the tip of his left index finger and he plays barre chords. He said it just took getting used to. There are a lot of people with small hands who play as well. Don't let it discourage you from playing.

47 posts
Apr 21, 2009
5:13 AM
Don't panic ngrbrt. Most players i know don't have long fingers or big hands and manage just great. You may be positioning your thumb on the back of the neck too far up. Try to get your thumb on the centre line of the back and behind your second finger. You'll find that your thumb will be more on it's side rather than straght onto the neck. As you position your thumb behind your second finger it needs to be at an angle. You also need to check your wrist break angle. Too flat and your fingers won't be coming down from abocve the strings but around the bottom of the neck - you'll be damping strings under your fingers and all your fingers will feel rather short. try pushing your forearm fwd against your thum untile the wrist angle is about20-30 degrees. If you've been playing with a flat wrist for a long time this will make your arm ache because the ligaments in your arm won't be used to this position - so be careful about how much playing you do in a new position. Build it up gradually. Let me know how you get on and I'll try to help. Forget the short finger thing though - I think it's more likely to be a hand position issue.
2 posts
Apr 21, 2009
8:47 AM
Hi Eric, Chris,
Thanks for the Advice and Encouragement. There is a saying-
NO PAIN NO GAIN. I'll think this is very true. Thanks again.
I will be posting again soon.


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