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Chordal Difficulty
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1 post
Aug 21, 2009
9:55 AM
Im haveing a hard time fingering a chord from Richs Rhythm book: twords the end of the book ( I dont have the book with me) there is a section on different A6th chords. One configuration ( I believe) had your number three finger covering the 12th fret e and a strings and the middle finger covering the 11th fret d and g strings. I can get the chord to ocassionaly sound properly without plinks but usually I plink the g string.If I play the chord without the G string it will work everytime. Any suggestions

71 posts
Oct 18, 2009
3:43 AM
Not sure about that chord - but it's certainly difficult to get your fingers to bend back like you describe. Classical and Flamenco players call that a half barre. You can try this as an A chord - put your 1st finger across the 4th 3rd 2nd strings at the 2nd fret and leave the 1st E string open. Unless you can get your finger to bend backward you cannot get the E string free. If you practice this sort of half barring around the neck you'll find over a few weeks that your fingers start to get more flexible and these chords will be playable to you. I play some of these 6 string fretting with my thumb over the top - a 13th chord is a good example of that - 6th string fretted at the 5th fret with my thumb and 4th, 3rd, 2nd strings fretted at 5th 6th 7th with my fingers.

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