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Major Scale Practice....
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1 post
Oct 16, 2009
8:41 AM
Hey all, it's been a while since I've worked with Theory and Technique and I've lost my Volume #1 and I'm just going over practicing my Major Scales in Thirds.. and I had a question about Thirds, Fourths, Fifths, Sixths, and Sevenths..

Working in Thirds sounds quite jazzy so to speak and I'm wondering what style of music would lend itself to fourths, fifths, sixths, etc...
Eric E
48 posts
Oct 16, 2009
6:23 PM
That's a great question. I think its interesting to try those intervals in different musical contexts, because you can use them in many ways. But I have some typical things that certain intervals remind me of. I think of thirds as almost sounding very folky and jazzy but also working nicely in some Latin contexts. Fourths are very modern jazz sounding to me (kind of outside). Fifths seem like modern rock and sixths sound kind of country. These are just my own thoughts, but you can try the intervals over many styles and hear how they sound.

--Eric E
73 posts
Nov 25, 2009
11:33 PM
Don't get too hung up on tools (thirds, fifths, siths, ninths etc). I read in a Martin Taylor book the other day that we should play what's in our head not what the theory says we can do. More playing - less tools, approach. And Martin can play a bit, so he might have a point!

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