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reading music for guitar
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7 posts
Jan 31, 2010
11:39 AM
just wanted some pointers on reading,like do you position the guitar neck in front of the stand to see the neck and the music same time. When you have more than 1 scale to choice from which one is best,
Eric E
56 posts
Jan 31, 2010
5:16 PM
Hey Stang,
yes, I try and position the neck so I can see both the fingerboard and the music. THat is a good strategy. When you have several positions to choose from you might just have to work out which one will work best for you. Sometimes that means looking ahead at the music to see if you would have to switch positions later. I try to read in places where I don't have to switch positions too often (if I can help it). Sometimes the music will give you a clue for where to play on the neck (not always though).

--Eric E
80 posts
May 17, 2010
11:59 PM
Yep - that's it exactly. You'll need to cut about 4" off one of those stands with the cheese holes in it - don't get one of those aweful folding, finger pinching, bendy, puzzle stands. Cut 4" off the upright pipes (you'll understand how to do it when you get one - it's all a bit like scaffolding with plastic joints.) This will lower the music stand so that your hand can be in front of the music and you can look at the neck and the stave at the same time.

Secondly - we don't play every shape of scale (there's 5 or 6 shapes) in every position when reading. You get your favourites. Check out David Oakes Book, Music Reading for Guitar. My students seem to like it. It tells you which scales works best for which position when reading. It also doesn't start you learning music in the 1st position which is a bad habit. We end up learning enough to get by and you know what - it's all in the first position. Duh?!

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