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3 posts
Apr 02, 2010
3:45 PM
I am starting the lessons in Guitar Theory and Technique and Rhythm Guitar.... and then hope to move on to GC's Blues series. My question is: I have always been a flatpicker rather than a fingerstyle player..... In the videos, it looks as if Rich predominantly is a fingerstyle player. Will this impact what I can get out of the lessons? (I don't think I'm all that interested in fingerstyle). Thanks! Deb
Eric E
60 posts
Apr 07, 2010
7:42 PM
Hi Deb,
Welcome. You can use a pick for those tunes and lessons too. It shouldn't be a problem.

--Eric E.
78 posts
May 17, 2010
11:37 PM
Except for those courses listed as 'Fingerstyle' all the lessons apply to plectrum as well as fingers. But make sure your plectrum technique is correct before ingraining poor habits with loads of GC lessons. There's a standard position for the pick - look up a good player on YouTube and get it down. I always say to my students, " get into a holding a cardboard gun position with your thumb up and sort of on the hammer. Now put the pick down on top of your curled index finger so the back is snguggled into the meat of the finger and the point is about 1/8 to 3/16ths out from the middle of your finger nail. Now bring the 'hammer' thumb down on top of the plectrum so that the two nails are at 90 degrees to each other and roughly one on top of the other - the plectrum should be between both nails and not outside of either." Theres a ceratin amout of finessing of this but that's just about standard positioning. Trying to describe this in words is difficult. It's something you need to be shown really as when done correctly it doesn't feel too intuitive in the beginning. Putting the plectrum between your two fingerprints will cause you to drop a load of picks and generally play pretty average. I know it can be done but it's not good. (I can walk sideways or backwards - but that's not good in the mall either.)

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