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How to smooth out that arpeggio?
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5 posts
Jan 02, 2011
1:35 PM
I've been working on Rich's arrangement of Amazing Grace, and there's one spot that isn't cooperating. There's a 12 note arpeggio in 16th notes that won't smooth out regardless of what I do.

My fingering is correct, the hammer-on/pull-offs are correct according to Rich's explanation in the instruction for the arrangement, and I've actually got it up to tempo with the rest of the song, with all of the notes getting equal time value. But it still sounds like mice running over the strings, rather than a smooth cascade of notes--almost a staccato sound that distracts from the rest of the song.

I know--without actually seeing it in action, it's hard to diagnose, but I'd appreciate any suggestions that anyone has!

99 posts
Feb 25, 2011
12:05 AM
OK - you need a metronome. Set it really slow so you can get through the arpeggio smoothly and exactly on each beat. Then notch it up about 3 beats and play again. In a few days you'll be back up to speed and playing smoothly. But you really do need to slow it down to at least 1/2 speed - which will actually feel much slower than 1/2 speed. Try a more flexible pick if you are using ine. It will thin out your tone, but make arpeggios and chord work easier to keep smooth.

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