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Playing Bass and Guitar
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1 post
Jan 25, 2011
2:13 PM
Hey everybody. I'm a guitarist that has been pushed into playing bass as well while my church is looking for another bass player. For those of you that play both or know those who do, how can I make a smooth transition? Specifically, adjusting to the obvious fret width, remembering that the entire bass fretboard is tuned to fourths unlike the guitar, maintaining a good sense of pocket presence, etc.... Any words of advice will be greatly appreciated.
101 posts
Feb 25, 2011
12:27 AM
Yep - been there. I pretty much learnt how to play bass from being a guitarist and sort of boogieing up everything. As a guitarist you are used to playing filling stuff and lots of notes. My first ever bass lesson, after playing for about 7 years was with Stu Hamm on a one week workshop - he was a tutor on. I got so chewed out by him for playing too many notes. His recommendation, and one I now use with any student who overplays, is listen to the kick drum and take your cue from that. Play the same number of notes and just mirror the bass drum. First time though play root notes only, 2nd time roots and oactaves, then you can start adding some more notes with roots, octaves and 5ths, then next time through roots, octaves, 3rds and 5ths - then get back to simple by the end - or a big in yer face non-simple and end. Anyway that's how it goes for me.

Try Ed Friedland's book on Walking Basslines - it takes that approach I've described. He's got another book called something like Rock Basslines that's pretty much the same content but at an easier level and progression speed. But the main thing is to play about 1/3 what you used to on the guitar. Rhythm and groove is everything, not cleverness.

Last Edited by on Feb 25, 2011 12:28 AM
2 posts
Feb 26, 2011
7:49 AM
Thanks a lot Chris. That's confirmation to what some people have told me. I know playing rhythm guitar, I'm so used to listening to what the drummer is doing on the hi-hats because that's generally where is sense of rhythm is at, but with the bass, it seems like the groove is solidified with the kick drum, so that has been a shift for me. It seems like the bass is really just an extension of the drum with just a more variety of sounds available. I'm still getting used to the right hand technique, but so far so good. I'll check out the books you recommended and see what they have to offer. Thanks again

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