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Freebie Fri Lesson + New Guitar For Sale
Freebie Fri Lesson + New Guitar For Sale
***************HAPPY FREEBIE FRIDAY!****************
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Free Lesson w/ MP3 Track: Recipe For Bebop Blues Lines - Part 1 Ever want to mix jazz with blues and vice versa? This is perfect! I’ll show you a sure-fire formula for creating bebop blues lines using both jazz and blues You’ll get the ingredients by learning two great solos over a medium bebop blues progression Each line of the solo is rehearsed slowly, line-by-line, and in sections The lesson video is 24-minutes and has the bebop blues recipe you need to know Lesson also includes handy play-along tracks that are downloadable in Mp3 format Also included in the lesson is PDF sheet music in both tab and notation Don’t miss this chance to get learn some tasty bebop blues lines! Use Freebie Friday Coupon Code: FREEBIERECIPE Offer Good Through Tuesday, 9-6-22
Here's how to get this week's Freebie Friday Lesson Click The Link, Then Click 'Get Access Now' Select 'Recipe for Bebop Blues Pt. 1' and click 'Continue' Log in to your account, or quickly create an account by filling out the simple form Enter Coupon Code FREEBIERECIPE in the "Coupon or Gift Card" field on the right Click 'Complete' for access to the Freebie Friday lesson
*****New Guitar For Sale*****
*****1997 Guild X-700***** Guitars Don't Get Much Better Than This!
This Guild X700 has so much character and sweetness. From the lows to the highs, this guitar sparkles and dazzles the ears. The X700 is one of Guild's top-quality archtops and is a joy to play. I love how it sounds on standards or on fingerstyle pieces. One thing I love about it is how you can feel the guitar in your stomach and chest when you play it. The body of the guitar really resonates, which makes it exciting to play. It's also great to know that the guitar was made in the USA in Westerly, RI. Hear how it sounds right now!! Click here:
Check it out at
Call Me or Email Me if you’re interested! 805-460-6370 /
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That's it for now, talk to you soon!
Keep on pickin'
Sincerely, Rich
Contact us at Ph. 805-460-6370