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Eliminate Feedback! A Rare Handcrafter Jazz Box

Hey everyone,
We are featuring a really cool guitar on today's livestream at 11:00 am PST!
Here's the link to join: https://youtube.com/live/bDGNUv7kxT0

Today we have an in-depth review of a stunning 1996 Mckerrihan Archtop.

This McKerrihan 16? is for guys who want a gigging, workingman’s electric archtop guitar with all the attributes of a carved top but without the feedback.

The custom-made archtop guitar is completely hollow with no internal block. There are no holes cut into the top. It was built in 2001 by master luthier Glenn McKerrihan of Phoenix, Arizona and if newly commissioned would cost around $8,500 today!

And as always, we will be playing some great tunes, playing other great archtops, answering your questions, and having fun!!

I hope you can join us!